Friday, August 15, 2008

Mud, mud and more mud

hi! sorry i haven't posted in many moons. well, Thursday the 14 i went to the wildlife refuge to go on a secret mud trail. me and my friends got covered in mud. some even put their faces in it. the refuge has white cedars. those are only found some places on long island. anyway it was fun.

me and Alex
Here are some more pictures.


Connie said...

Holy smokes, Kyle. You sure do know how to have fun!
How did you find out about those mud trails? I've been going to the wildlife refuge for the last 40 years and I never got that muddy!

Anonymous said...

its only allowed when you do their field ecology program.and its secret.

Anonymous said...

Oh yuck!!!! I'm glad you had so much fun and learned a lot of new stuff. I'm glad I didn't have to wash your clothes!!!!! Good for you!!! xxGrammie

The National Scribe said...

looks like a fun trip, i want to go...why spend all that money at a spa for a mud treatment when there is perfectly good mud at the refuge.