Monday, February 19, 2007

Planet Mancuso's challenge

OK, here's my entry to the challenge

K for kicking a soccer ball

Y for the Yankees

L for Lego

E for eating pizza!


thedollymama said...

Good job, Kyle!

Hope Heath doesn't see the Y for Yankees thing!!

Elliott Allstars said...

Awesome job Kyle! GO YANKEES!!!! I love all those things too! We must be family! the way, I finally posted to your challenge!

The National Scribe said...

I think I am going to be sick after reading your Y. but I have to say, that was a good find for a Y entry. I know some others who were having trouble with their Y.

Anonymous said...

Great work, Kyle! And since you can't spell your name K-M-L-E, I guess we'll forgive you on that Y thing! ;)


Anonymous said...

Good one! Very creative!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kyle, I haven't been on your blog in a long time. You did a great job on this challenge. Guess I will have to come here more often!!!!

Aunt Laurel will LOVE your Y!!!!!